the first engagement

as with most things, where there is ambition for occurrences ahead, the girl had become disappointed with her journey. she had created a world of infinite possibilities and the sensuality of the scape to accompany her quest. she was lost in the territory and the endless premonitions which she had fashioned and demanded of herself. she had outlined an attempt and was held in pause, captured by the magnificence of her imagination. the barriers confining the currents -- they seemed to confine her mind as well and to subdue the possibilities buried within her.

in the last gesture of one fertile crescent, the east bank of the river seemed more than a ridge, more than a barrier, and a different exaltation radiated from the plateau. as if from a dream - emanating from this disparity - waves of melody seemed to dance around the stillness of her figure. the sounds stemmed from a common theme, yet articulated careful consideration and ingenuity all at once. her core was pulled to the source of these expressions and she charted her course for the embankment of this riverside.

feeling her weight shift in response to a more solid earth and the grass whisper with her movements, the girl wandered in search of these powerful calls. the breeze moved through swarms of green and became entwined with the dancing melodies, each gust enhancing the expression of life surging in her midst. the music seemed to come from the trees themselves and the great branches reached down to meet the lines of her body, each an open invitation for repose. a feeling of contemplation and meditation encircled the tremendous life gesticulating towards her, the weight of the weariness she had felt on her vessel returned and the girl climbed into the open arms of a particular oak. the pursuit of this deviating song had evoked the tiresome quest for the voice of the river.

the music continued to flow around her and her breath seemed to flux according to its rhythm. she heard the variations in the sounds and they seemed stronger here still, as if carried through each tiny vein, enunciated amongst each bend of the bark. the harmony of varied emotions reverberated in her ear and she perceived subtle vibrations with the aural energies.

within the cradle of an elbow of oak, the blended leaves rustling in their turning over about her balanced form, she slept.


upon opening her eyes, still tucked in the prospect of the branch, the girl discerned the artist situated amongst the crevasse reaching out above her. from her perch, she watched the man, his eyes closed as hers had been, and she was absorbed by his capacity for play. he seemed to express a desire with each note, though she could not understand it. she could not define it. she could see the instrument in his hands, yet, the sounds seemed not to emerge from that object at all. each note circulating within his figure, coursing in his veins, surging to the surface, and finally springing from his body through the filter against his lips – each sound expanding amongst the freedom of the vista.

the palpitations of the verdant encasing delivered each harmonious resonation to the arm which held the girl, but she was now supported by more than this earthly structure. his energy and interdependence seemed to revitalize her and she began to climb towards the origins of the melody. she proceeded higher and adjusted herself among him, without ever taking her eyes off his profile. as her posture realigned to the bend of another limb, he too opened his eyes. in that moment, the music stopped.

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