the condition of the boundary.

my thesis revolves around a consideration for the condition of the threshold. the terms of boundary conditions that architects must face in this contemporary. i am actually saying that, though we attempt to define ourselves by domains and definitions, consistently trying to construct territories, the threshold is actually a condition that doesnt exist. we understand things in relation to other things so the boundaries are not actually there. we tell ourselves they are there to help ourselves feel safe or secure or comfortable or powerful or knowledgeable. . . .etc

within that overarching umbrella, i am dealing with a series of questions and texts.

the tenacious anthology of the mud
- that nature and culture are mutually dependent in the current aesthetic, that the capacity to investigate natural history demands an appreciation of human energies and the creation of continued existence requires an understanding of nature and its forces. that our attempt to provide architectural boundaries denies the fact that we are not in control of defining every aspect of our living conditions and the constructions we are now creating must be more adaptive to the lack of control and reciprocal reliance with the world in which we exist.

the exploratory instrument of territory
- that each new advancing method and tactic for working are mere tools to our constructions and our desire to restrict ourselves to understandable definitions also engenders restriction for design possibilities. each definition, maker, drawer, builder, architect, machinist, theorist, teacher, philosopher, is mere distraction. that the architect must be flexible and willing to learn new practices and transforming conditions in order to exist in the world where the threshold is mere illusion. the methods of representation must be as agile as the architectures we create.

the transmogrification of the vessel
- that we must not attempt to remove ourselves from the societies for which we design, that we cannot consider everything as a means-end relationship by opting out of the struggles of our fellow humans and encouraging a realm where our architectural minds are our own incomprehensible places. to understand that we are not the redeemers of our time, by reducing carbon footprints or generating myths of beauty abstaining from action, distancing ourselves and cleansing ourselves of what we are looking at. that we are, as architects, enablers of ourselves within those communities, with a taste for narrative, detail, diversity, and accident.

obviously, each of these subtexts has their own references but my first draft of my thesis was chaotic and ironically ambiguous and undefined. the relationship of the signified and the signifier within knowledge and articulated domains becomes a part of the condition of the threshold.

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