straightforward, hopefully.

i am creating a raft.

one that moves up and down the river collecting information and people and culture and experience.

one that keeps growing along the journey so that it begins to solidify the data that is absorbed.

you are confused.

try to think of architecture as more than simply, a building. i have no intention of making a building.

architecture, to me, is a method of communication. physically, it is usually an object that provides shelter, however, more than that. it is a place where life happens, a dialogue and performance between people. i do not care what it looks like. i care about what it does.

an exploratory architectural realm is that of bio - architecture. protocells, literally, droplets of oil that are chemically designed to have living characteristics. the waste that they leave behind solidifies as small scale constructions.

the architect does not become obsolete. the architect creates the context in which they exist and can proliferate.

what are the possibilities for architecture when you design a system that isnt merely an image frozen in time? an architecture that reproduces and shifts in certain situations? in particular landscapes?

so my project is an interactive watercraft that literally grows as it moves up and down the river. the oil droplets preserve the watery chemical compositions they exist in as they calcify, so the record of the journey becomes a series of animated, seemingly living stalact(gm)ites.

this place is the vessel that travels the river basin. a place for conversation between anyone who wants to participate in the conversation. . .. to be the entertainer that, while entertaining, reorganizes everything.

a territory of individuals.

we live in a world where any bit of information is instantly at our fingertips. yet, we do not determine the relationships of those fields of data. i am trying to create that place. a place where it doesnt matter who you are or what you do, if you are passionate and creative and willing to demolish your traditional boundaries, you are welcome there. join the discussion.

set out on the river for a life ahead.

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