
in my struggles with avoiding form making and continual research through overlapping territories, i have decided that i need to be much more specific about what im doing.

in order to attempt to understand my project and my objectives. the mississippi river as a lens for viewing american culture. of course, it is not formally a lens, but a lens being the thing which magnifies and corrects that which is being viewed.

a watercraft moving down the river, dealing with a series of domains, bringing knowledge and communication together to encapsulate education.

an architectural discourse between people and place. gathering geological information through migrating seismic surveys. visualizing the pollution, velocity, currents, and deposition of the river itself. thinking and discussing and hypothesizing and doing. acquiring passengers [scientist. teacher. architect. novelist. artist. engineer. student. musician.] and sensual, cultural experience [smells. stories. sounds. tastes.] perpetual amalgamation of information and communication through experience.

all of this occurring at the threshold of multiple worlds.

to be the entertainer that, while entertaining, reorganizes everything.

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