_for the mud

the energy of these currents. the fluidity and speed with which they move. the influence and perpetual breakdown and accretion of the sidewalls. attempting to capture something that is never still, incessantly running.
always. at all times. the same and yet new in every moment.

_for the oil

attempting to understand the movement of the oil beneath the surface, its migration through the geological layers and eventual arrival in sought reservoirs. then, the leakage and immersion in the landscape. the terrible beauty of those situations. the way it moves. the spoil of the orange. the collection of the hydrocarbons and their resulting embeddings.

a method of questioning.

some of it is quite old... . . from the second notebook and i am now on the fifth. however, this process is a continual reflection on my knowledge and experiences, as well as the various ways of dealing with newly acquired information. i also find it fascinating to look back through them and find them coming to life as i become more passionate and engaged in my thesis.

straightforward, hopefully.

i am creating a raft.

one that moves up and down the river collecting information and people and culture and experience.

one that keeps growing along the journey so that it begins to solidify the data that is absorbed.

you are confused.

try to think of architecture as more than simply, a building. i have no intention of making a building.

architecture, to me, is a method of communication. physically, it is usually an object that provides shelter, however, more than that. it is a place where life happens, a dialogue and performance between people. i do not care what it looks like. i care about what it does.

an exploratory architectural realm is that of bio - architecture. protocells, literally, droplets of oil that are chemically designed to have living characteristics. the waste that they leave behind solidifies as small scale constructions.

the architect does not become obsolete. the architect creates the context in which they exist and can proliferate.

what are the possibilities for architecture when you design a system that isnt merely an image frozen in time? an architecture that reproduces and shifts in certain situations? in particular landscapes?

so my project is an interactive watercraft that literally grows as it moves up and down the river. the oil droplets preserve the watery chemical compositions they exist in as they calcify, so the record of the journey becomes a series of animated, seemingly living stalact(gm)ites.

this place is the vessel that travels the river basin. a place for conversation between anyone who wants to participate in the conversation. . .. to be the entertainer that, while entertaining, reorganizes everything.

a territory of individuals.

we live in a world where any bit of information is instantly at our fingertips. yet, we do not determine the relationships of those fields of data. i am trying to create that place. a place where it doesnt matter who you are or what you do, if you are passionate and creative and willing to demolish your traditional boundaries, you are welcome there. join the discussion.

set out on the river for a life ahead.

_for the wetland

another set forging through intermediate territories, the spaces between land and sea. amidst air, water, soil, and everything in between. creating new landscapes in the gaps and crevices, situations where architecture might dwell. their proliferation relying on a series of opportune conditions _ dormant bodies existing amongst their residues until awakened by the proper concoction of fresh and salt water.
seeking neurological energies in plant root structures, soliciting life and the potential energies and communications along with that possibility. the remnants of their movements solidifying as chemical records within an exuberant database.

_for the view

a series of protos registering location, trying to emerge from their own waste, rising above to reflect an image of geographic place, each pushing past the other to get a better look.. . .

data collection

the River has continually deposited its history into layers of soil. attempting to understand them and simulating those properties as a way to collect information. protocells [droplets of oil designed to maintain living properties] shed their skin|waste|layers as they move, reproduce and "live." so, an attempt to begin to visualize that process in relation to the River itself.


in my struggles with avoiding form making and continual research through overlapping territories, i have decided that i need to be much more specific about what im doing.

in order to attempt to understand my project and my objectives. the mississippi river as a lens for viewing american culture. of course, it is not formally a lens, but a lens being the thing which magnifies and corrects that which is being viewed.

a watercraft moving down the river, dealing with a series of domains, bringing knowledge and communication together to encapsulate education.

an architectural discourse between people and place. gathering geological information through migrating seismic surveys. visualizing the pollution, velocity, currents, and deposition of the river itself. thinking and discussing and hypothesizing and doing. acquiring passengers [scientist. teacher. architect. novelist. artist. engineer. student. musician.] and sensual, cultural experience [smells. stories. sounds. tastes.] perpetual amalgamation of information and communication through experience.

all of this occurring at the threshold of multiple worlds.

to be the entertainer that, while entertaining, reorganizes everything.

beginnings of time-based geographic section drawings.

lower mississippi. south of cairo. sections as series down river. disintegration of sidewalls through flows. growth of information collection down stream.

moving down the River.

i literally have dreams about it. floating down this hugely massive entity that pulls information from place and people and transports it hundreds of miles away. ive always wanted more of a physical relationship to the River.

i have been gathering data from everywhere and not knowing what to do with it. not physically making the connections with the things id been absorbing. i hadnt been defining my architecture and taking responsibility for it with the same valor as i am trying to do for my class.
. .

i hadnt been thinking of this movement down the River as a communicating watercraft. at least in a way that was exciting.

a relationship/interactions with history. culture. place. people. a sensual experience with information. knowledge. education. protoarchitecture as a method of storing that data.

i dont know how i just realized this.

spirit of humor

"it is comical to use ones quest for the ineffable Other as an excuse for ignoring other peoples quite different quests. it is comical to think that anyone could transcend the quest for happiness, to think that any theory could be more than a means to happiness, that there is something called Truth which transcends pleasure and pain."

"we all just stand for ourselves, equal inhabitants of a paradise of individuals in which everybody has the right to be understood, but nobody has the right to rule."
"heidegger, kundera, and dickens." essays on heidegger and others. richard rorty

nature and culture

"there are no natural contexts in and around new orleans and there have not been since humans entered the region. accepting all humans, both past and present, western or native, as agents of change and not as part of nature reminds us that the gulf between us and them, past and present is perhaps not as wide as we think. we can no longer act as if there is a clear distinction between nature and culture. to speak of natural history requires an understanding of human actions and to write human history demands an appreciation of nature and its influence. new orleans is not just a colonial or post colonial city, new orleans is a sum of all its past. we cannot forget that humans acting as a part of, not apart from the environment shaped this past."
transforming new orleans and its environs : centuries of change. craig colten

seismographic images.

in order to understand the geological layers of the earth, seismic surveys are conducted by creating shock waves and interpreting their results. events and explosions induce undulations which reflect the subsurface formations, then recorded upon return to the surface. these images portray the layers of rock and sediment deposition, their anomalies being caused by pockets of hydrocarbons, ie oil or natural gas.

i have been attempting to understand the River and its influences. our desire as well as need to control it... authority as a perspectival point that actively impacts that which surrounds it. we seek to control our natural world precisely because we lack that control of our own lives.

so, the historical folding of the external world. a system that continuously reinforms the folding and unfolding of time and event. the idea that mother nature is restricted, the tension visible in the limitations placed on the body. articulation of the surfaces shifting and responding to one another. reacting to stresses. oscillations. restrictions. events. rebuilding the body on its own physical traces.

form making again.

reverted back to the comfort zone of familiarity. no good.

thesis abstract

Throughout the technological advances of humanity, architecture has been the means with which we can consider previous generations, understand their priorities, trials, and ethics. Places with past look to buildings to tell their stories; however, what is to be said for those places that cannot be understood in the same contextual dialogue? What sort of translation is necessary to register the changes and developments in energies? When the future reminisces, what will exist in order to understand today? I am looking to define a more particular architecture that is directly responsive to the conditions as they are – reacting to the relations between organisms and their environment as well as the dynamics and physical history of the earth.

Over its existence, the landscape of southern Louisiana has prevailed as a palimpsest of history, gradients of soil deposition registering a subsurface cultural diversity different from the conditions above. Throughout millennia, the meandering courses of the Mississippi River have scoured the surface of the earth, repeatedly shifting, leaving traces of geological histories embedded within the state. This history lies dormant, buried beneath the tides and currents, the beauty shadowed by the muddy waters and the people on the surface blinded by the darkness. The actions, thoughts, ideals, and opinions fundamental to a Country lie suspended in these layers – surfaces of past supporting a society continually less aware. Amidst the stratum, migration of underlying energies leaves traces and residues behind, fusing as they settle in sought reservoirs. The River, an omnipresent power to view, reveal, transform, and challenge that which it alone can see, is the viable catalyst for exposure.

Throughout the recent centuries, the Country has attempted to solidify the River’s flow. Previously, the changing courses of the River have varied as much as the identities now spread throughout the Country. The perceived authority demonstrated by the Country has established a screen of normalcy, shielding the current inhabitants from the traumas of vulnerability. Today, the will to power propels the controlled remnants of present cultures into the Gulf; here, they vanish into open seas, preventing their former proliferation as a wetland barrier dividing the powers of multiple worlds. The control of the Country eradicates the barrier that formerly protected the Country itself.

The contextual surfaces in which the River is embedded currently hold the flows in place. Barriers and control structures attempt to keep the waters at bay, the muddy divergences in check. The growth and survival of wetland conditions are suffocating in the River’s restriction. Still, the River will never permanently settle into one path – something of this magnitude, energy, intensity, and lure cannot be subdued. The River was never meant to be constrained. I aim to unlock the guidance and energies latent in these surfaces of past; I aspire to develop a system of unfolding these layers, utilizing the unexpressed reality found in the cultural and physical histories, to inform sympathetic architectural territories. In my eyes, the River and its future existence are the articulation of the varied, coinciding, interwoven history.