
the senses. the smells. the food. the laughter. the qualities that are easily observable as well as those that are present, though entirely unexplainable. what is it that gives a place a certain flavor? its history, identity and culture.

the history of america, the history that we are truly familiar with, is quite brief. yet, the history of the landscape of america is forever. what is the story of the country that is told by the landscape? this omnipresent force that is always there and readily trodden upon, what does the landscape magnify for the viewer?

change over time. perception of power. fluctuating communities, organizations, and infrastructures.

the mississippi river. there always.

viewing a section of the mississippi river as a section through american culture. the beauty that exists in this world.

the river is somehow older and wiser, perhaps. the one who has been there and seen all. america is so young and naiive -- maybe the river becomes a lens, a way in which things are magnified and corrected.

what does the river as a lens look like? what does it see?

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