two canvases

another sketch.

a method of thinking.

i have almost three notebooks full of research and development, if you will. all of it is the perpetual amalgamation. my architectural thoughts and explorations. my experiences of place. the influence of memory -- essentially, that all filters together. who knows where one thing actually begins and another ends.

do not think -- wow, ten pages out of multiple notebooks. are you enjoying london itself at all.

i promise. im doing just fine. :)


ok, so i completely jumped ahead of myself. i have no idea what this seismograph looks like and i probably shouldnt and i dont even know if it can just be called a seismograph anymore. i know how bits and pieces of it work and how some of those bits combine with others.

i need to look at the motion of the pendulum or the seismograph or the cartographer or the anthropologist. what does the movement of each look like as it records? how are those functions recorded through a specific energy and vibration? what does the drawing look like?

the pen needs ink.

the pen shifts in relation to movements|vibrations within the earth. the seismograph pulls up sediment from the muddy intermediate soils to use the sludge as the recording media. the reclamation of mud occurs by first loosening the earth with focused streams in order to make it available for the change of pressure within the tube. these ropes of focused water coil around the tube -- visually weaving between the energy of the earth and the inflicted streams. the pen contains a reservoir for the sediment below the water that continually pushes through the viscosity for documentation.

mud as ink

what are some ways i could play with mud? test the movements and properties?

im looking for suggestions here.


testing the selection of mud as ink. i am understanding more about the characteristics of this material. the state of movement with and without water. when the mud and water are deposited separately versus together. when they are housed in the same compartment. the forced deposition versus the elicited. the potential for the mud to control itself. what it is capable of.


series of old airplane engines. pretty incredible.

how come these things weren't exposed?